Simpson Protocol Hypnosis Therapy Process
Complete Therapy Process Training
“The NEW Paradigm in Hypnosis”
The Simpson Protocol is a tool that allows the client’s Conscious mind to relax and step aside so that their Superconscious (whatever that may be – but it seems to be – the most powerful mind of minds, that is also the most knowing) can work freely and completely -to the benefit of the Client’s optimum Good
The reason I started to experiment with working in this deep level of hypnosis was totally selfish and self motivated. I have always been a very analytical person and I could easily get clients and students to achieve regressions but I myself had some difficulties in that area. I surmised that if I could bypass my conscious mind more this would become easier for me. So I experimented. I worked with other hypnotists and even a Shaman friend of mine and Protocol started to develop
Click the button below to receive your FREE eBook about Simpson Protocol
James Esdaile was the first man to discover mental anesthesia and its benefits. Esdaile did work in India and decided to employ mesmerism to help his patients deal with pain. Remember, this was before anesthesia was available. The method he used required a very long preparation time, sometimes taking ten to twelve days to condition the person to go to what we call the Esdaile State today.
The Esdaile State has not been used for therapeutic or change work in the past as it was thought the client was in a euphoric state with no motivation for change work. With this technique, that all changes and it happens quickly. This advanced training course will teach you all you need to know about this new paradigm shift in hypnosis. You can now communicate directly with your client’s Superconscious mind and direct it to release all the issues that are not in your client’s best interest or benefit.
Another advantage of working in the Esdaile State using the Simpson Protocol is that through the proper questioning, direction and communication with the Superconscious mind, your client doesn’t have to verbalize the issue, if that is their wish. It is a wonderful tool for clients who are sensitive to the issue that they are working on and are uncomfortable with verbalizing the problems that they want to deal with. With the Simpson Protocol, you will be able to give the client unprecedented access to the Superconscious mind in order to help with physical healing, emotional healing, spiritual healing and soul retrieval.
For Schedule of Simpson Protocol Seminars – Go Here
Short Video on Simpson Protocol
Seminars near you!!- Click here
“With the lack of interactive communication, [the Esdaile State]
couldn’t be used for many other things [besides surgery] in hypnosis.
Ines has broken that barrier. What she has found and how she has figured
out how to use it is a significant advance in our profession. I highly recommend
looking into [the Simpson Protocol] for anyone in the hypnosis community.” – H. Larry Elman
“I can now express my emotions to myself! WOW – and because I can now do this, I was able to clear an issue with EFT. I haven’t had an opportunity to express my emotions to someone else yet, but I have no doubt I’ll be able to do it – since I couldn’t do it for myself or someone else before. Thank you, thank you, thank you.”
– Jan M.
(After her session which is included in Disc 2 of The Simpson Protocol Instructional Video)
“Ines, I just wanted to say how outstanding your one-day training session on working in the Esdaile state and beyond was last weekend. It really opened my eyes about an entirely new aspect of hypnosis/hypnotherapy and working with people in those deep states and the results you can get. Plus you were so kind and compassionate with those of us undergoing the experience as well as being trained in using it. The whole thing was really mind expanding – dare I say mind blowing – and I want to thank you again for the fabulous job you did in taking us to new depths – and heights. Looking forward to more training with you in the near future, Ines.”
– Mike Hulme, BA,DC,CHT
“This was a very powerful workshop. I cannot wait to get experience using this technique. Inez is a gifted and compassionate soul with unique teaching abilities I recommend this training highly.”
– Barbara Dailey,DNP
“Ines, thank you so much for your caring and intuitive connection with us as students. I will use this wonderful addition to the tools I already have as a hypnotherapist and in our course Ray and I teach. This brings a whole new Dimension to the ability to guide clients into healing and self-empowerment. Thank you again!”
– Joni Wilay-Zukowski
“I want to thank you for all that you do to help people to feel uplifted, positive, and whole. You do your work so passionately and gracefully. I thank you for taking me to a special place within my soul. I am so grateful for having met you.
You have a very special light and you are shining it brightly and beautifully. I think it’s so wonderful that you are working with Ted, as he does so much to help people as well.”
– Glenn P.
(Glenn worked with Ted and Ines in the DVD,
Working Interactively in the Esdaile State and Beyond)
Hi Ines,
This sounds like the technique I have been looking for (without really looking for it because I did not think it existed) to make all the other stuff that is supposed to work, actually work.
My question is can this process be used for self hypnosis working by myself? Thanks much.
Robert Blake
yes Robert – every SP client learns down to use SP in self hypnosis in the first session – and every SP Practitioner learns it for themselves and how to teach their clients.
However if you mean – can you do this at home without any training – no, sorry.
It requires triggers to be set at various hypnotic stages – ie somnambulism, esdaile, etc. These can not be self administered.
There are SP classes in LA, Virginia and Ontario Canada this October – see details at
We will also be opening our digital training website – usually for SP practitioners only for a free view in a few eeks- which may give you a good overview of the protocol. We will give you a heads up if you like.